Do you remember the "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories popular around the 1980's? The general idea was that each book was written with the potential for many different outcomes and the reader was invited to make choices throughout the story that then determined the final outcome. Much like life! Imagine for a moment you are writing your own 'Choose Your Own Adventure' story! The two potential characters you get to choose between are named 'Victim' and 'Hero'. 'Victim' can leap small buildings in a single bound (as long as they are tiny and present no challenge). And can completely disarm you at the slightest sign of weakness. Choosing to be 'Victim' in your story will likely feel like settling into your favourite comfy chair. It feels kind of itchy and scratches and the springs are shot and poke you in all the most painful places. But despite all this it is like Victim KNOWS everything about you and feels kind of warm and cosy and familiar. The storyline will probably end up pretty bumpy but predictable and there likely won’t be too many surprises. But it may tend to leave you with a feeling of sadness and lack the size of Gibraltar. 'Hero' on the other hand is so dynamic it makes you feel like you can do ANYTHING!! Want a new story-line? 'Hero' has got it sorted! Done! But choosing to be Hero in your story can feel a little confronting. It means you feel at least a little bit in control of what happens. It means making decisions and choices. You sit in your Hero chair and it makes you sit up straight. It’s not moulded to you at all. You need to do the moulding. But you feel a little bit powerful. Maybe like YOU can do ANYTHING! You sense you can take action to change your situation. You can CHANGE your story. And that feels scary. But it can also also feel exciting! So which character do you want to choose for your story? Victim or Hero? Sometimes we don't actually know who to choose and that's ok. But listen to your words and thoughts and choose to show up for yourself today. And who knows what could happen. A Hero could show up in your life story just by being you. Warm wishes Karen Northey Counsellor / Coach EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Website: Email: [email protected]
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