Disclaimer: The services provided by Connexions Counselling and any information presented on this website are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or as a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. If you have any concern regarding your health it is recommended that you seek out advice or treatment from a qualified medical professional. This website content (including all audios, videos, and written materials) is intended to educate and is provided only as general information and does not constitute medical advice. Accessing, downloading, listening to, or viewing the information on this site does not constitute a professional relationship with Karen Northey./Connexions Counselling.
Information Storage: Information is gathered as part of the assessment and counselling process. This information is retained in order to document what happens during sessions and to provide a relevant and informed therapeutic service. Connexions Counselling takes your privacy very seriously. Any notes are stored either in a locked cabinet or encrypted on a password protected computer. Records are destroyed after a period of seven years.
Limits of Confidentiality: The content of all therapy sessions is confidential. Noted exceptions are as follows:
Duty to Warn and Protect If a client discloses intentions or a plan to harm themselves or another person, Connexions Counselling is legally required to report this information to the relevant authority.
Abuse of Children and Vulnerable Adults If information is provided by the client that suggests that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused or is at risk of abuse, Connexions Counselling is legally required to report this information to the appropriate legal authority.
Court order If your information has been subpoenaed by a court or authorised by law Connexions Counselling is required to provide the requested information. Prior consent obtained The client, or relevant decision maker, has provided approval to share information.